Canadian Covid Care Alliance

The Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) is a Canadian not-for-profit organization based in Vancouver, British Columbia.1)


On January 24, 2023, Globe and Mail columnist Gary Mason criticized the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA) for their materials discussing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.2)



Information on membership is limited to the public to protect health care professionals from retribution from their regulatory colleges. However, a number of medical or non-medical members have spoken publicly or otherwise identified themselves as members. Additionally, as of February 2023, the CCCA's “About Us” page provides biographies for 24 members of the Science and Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC).3)

Science and Medical Advisory Committee
Name Position Affiliation(s)
Byram Bridle Member University of Guelph
Philip Britz-McKibbin Member McMaster University, Japan Society for Promotion of Science, University of Hyogo, The Metabolomics Innovation Centre (TMIC)
Glenn Chan Member Long Haul Wiki
Claudia Chaufin Member York University, Fulbright Program, Canadian Academics for Covid Ethics
Stefan Eberspaecher Member Rehabilitation 2030 Initiative
Maria Gutschi Member Canadian Pharmacists Association, Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, Canadian Forces Health Service Centre, Canada Chemists, North West Company, Hawkesbury and District General Hospital
Ondrej Halgas Member Liven Proteins, University of Toronto
John Hardie Member Royal College of Dentists of Canada, Ottawa Civic Hospital, Vancouver General Hospital, Canadian Dental Association, Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario
York Hsiang Member University of British Columbia (UBC), Cleveland Clinic, Vancouver General Hospital, Society for Vascular Surgery, Western Vascular Society, Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM)
Niel Karrow Member University of Guelph, Sichuan Agricultural University, Yangzhou University
Bonnie Mallard Member University of Guelph, ImmunoCeutica, Pfizer, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Bernard Massie Member Université de Montréal, National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Centre for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy (C3i), Consortium de recherche biopharmaceutique (CQDM), Bio-Conversion Databank Foundation (BioDF)
Deanna McLeod Member Kaleidoscope Strategic, COVID Sense
Kanji Nakatsu Member Queen's University, Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Susan Natsheh Member Dalhousie University, Saint John Regional Hospital, Dr. David Stephen Memorial Foundation, YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce, A Citizens' Hearing
Philip Oldfield Member Royal Society of Chemistry, Royal College of Pathologists, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS), McGill University
Eric Payne Member University of Calgary, Alberta Children's Hospital, SickKids, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Society of Clinical Neurophysiologists, Mayo Clinic
Steven Pelech Co-chair University of British Columbia (UBC), Kinexus BioPharmaceuticals, Biomedical Research Center (BRC), Kinetek Pharmaceuticals, Canadian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology
Patrick Provost Member Université Laval, CHU de Québec-Université Laval Research Center
Denis Rancourt Member CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, University of Ottawa
Wendi Roscoe Member Fanshawe College, Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (CSNN), Griffith University
Christopher Shaw Co-chair University of British Columbia, Dalhousie University
David Speicher Member Redeemer University, McMaster University, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, University of Guelph, Multiplex Genomics, Novometrix Research
John Zwaagstra Member McGill University, National Research Council of Canada (NRC)





The COVID-19 Inoculations: More Harm Than Good

Date: December 16 2021

Dispelling the Myth of A Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

Date: February 1 2022

It's time to Stop the Shots

Date: July 15 2022

Expert interviews

Open Letters



Mason, G. (2023, January 24). Opinion: Preston Manning’s COVID-19 panel appointment is a $253,000 travesty. The Globe and Mail.
About Us. Canadian Covid Care Alliance. Retrieved February 8, 2023, from
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