Must Read Substacks
The following Substacks are enjoyed by Campfire Wiki administrators and contributors due to their interest in exploring truth. Many of them take risks to do so.
Pandemic Related
- the truth watercooler by Jessica Rose, PhD
- The Reactionary by TechnoFog
- Postcards to Johnson by Jeremy Poynton
- Juan's Newsletter by Juan Chamie
- The DisInformation Chronicle by Paul D. Thacker
- Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass by Margaret Anna Alice
- The Dossier by Jordan Schachtel
- Common Sense by Bari Weiss and guests
- Unmasked by IM
- The Defeat of Covid by Colleen Huber NMD
- Zac's Newsletter by Zac Leslie and Karen Naratif
- The Forgotten Side of Medicine by A MidWestern Doctor
Pandemic Statistics
- WHAT by Dr. RollerGator
- And They Point and Screech by Dr. Flurm Googlybean