American Intelligence Media

American Intelligence Media, also called AIM4Truth, is an online research project to explore and document alternative narratives of history.1)


In June 2019, AIM4Truth published an article based on a document allegedly written by an anonymous Facebook insider, accusing Mark Zuckerberg of being a “fraud used by the CIA”.2)

According to the “dossier”, Zuckerberg was chosen to act as a fake “boy genius” on behalf of Harvard University President Lawrence Summers to advance his social media project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), In-Q-Tel and IBM. It also alleges involvement of the Highlands Group and the Office of Net Assessment of the United States Department of Defense.

Others mentioned as having a role include:

About Us. (2017, February 17). American Intelligence Media.
Facebook Insider Confesses All. (2019, June 13). American Intelligence Media.
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