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Theresa Lawrie

Dr. Theresa “Tess” Lawrie is the director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy with a thirty year history of publication and service to public health related issues, including work with the World Health Organization.

  • A member on the steering committee for the World Council for Health which calls for an immediate cease and desist of Covid-19 vaccines.


Ivermectin Controversy during the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr. Lawrie founded the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) Group.

Meta-Analysis of Ivermectin Efficacy

Dr. Lawrie published a meta-analysis concluding that ivermectin successfully treats COVID-19.

Summary of controversy surrounding this meta-analysis can be found here:


Discussions of Ivermectin Research

Interview with John Campbell:

Interview with Chris Masterjohn:

Interview with Dr. Mobeen Syed streamed live on Apr 26, 2021:

Interview on December 20, 2021 edited segment World Council for Health, where Dr. Tess Lawrie shares a clip from a zoom call with Dr. Andrew Hill from January 18, 2021 where he admits that Unitaid has input into the conclusion of his meta-analysis:

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