Labyrinth Global Health
Labyrinth Global Health is an international medical research company based in St. Petersburg, Florida, United States of America.
LGH has offices and laboratory spaces in Ukraine, the africa:Democratic Republic of Congo, africa:Sierrra Leone, Cameroon, Armenia, and Azerbaijan.1)
LGH is partnered with the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Congo's Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale Centre de Recherche pour la Santé des Armées Department of Defense's Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRA through subcontracts from Black&Veatch Special Projects.2) The title of one sub-award is “SME MANUSCRIPT DOCUMENTATION AND COVID 19 RESEARCH”, dated November 12, 2019 - before COVID-19 was publicly identified or named as such, and roughly one month after the earliest known appearance of SARS-CoV-2. The funded work is listed as taking place in Ukraine, as part of a “Biological threat reduction program” in the country.3)