Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau is the current Prime Minister of Canada, a nation with one of the most restrictive COVID-19 public health measures in the world, particularly regarding COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandates. He was elected in 2015.
This page is dedicated to outlining reliable evidence of any corruption, collusion, lying, backtracking, politicization, and personal/political ideology connected to Prime Minister Trudeau that may explain Canada's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine policies.
Trudeau is mentioned by Klaus Schwab as a former member of the World Economic Forum's Global Leaders for Tomorrow program.1)
Media Sponsorship
It seems that the overwhelming majority of Canada’s media is bought and paid for, by the federal government, primarily the Liberal Party.2) The Liberal federal government rolled out nearly $600 million in subsidies for select media outlets that obtain the federal government’s approval. 3)
At the May 4, 2019 Parliamentary Press Dinner, Trudeau joked that the reason the media let him and his party off easy is “because we paid them $600,000,000.00.”4) 5)
Prior to the 2021 federal election, Justin Trudeau and the federal government gave 61 million in tax payer dollars to 1500 media outlet companies under the umbrella of pandemic related emergency relief money. 6)
A 20 year veteran of Canadian media, Tara Henley, who resigned from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in December 2021 citing complaints of political corruption, outlines, from the perspective of an insider, the extremely concerning issues with government funding of the media in a January 2022 Substack article. 7)
Evidence of Globalist Ideology and Agenda
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipid Nanoparticle is a Canadian Patent
Stigmatization/Demonization of the Unvaccinated
In a September 2021 interview, Justin Trudeau, in a disgusting display of discrimination, demonization, and ideological dogma, stated the following when referring to COVID-19 unvaccinated Canadian citizens:
“they don’t believe in science. they are often misogynists also often racists…it’s a small group that muscles in and we have to make a choice in terms of the country, in terms of the leaders, do we tolerate these people?” 8)