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Gilead Sciences

Gilead Sciences is a pharmaceutical drug company.

FDA Deadly Aspartame Influence

Toxic profiteering isn’t limited to the battlefield; domestic killing is lucrative too. For 16 years, the Food and Drug Administration denied approval of aspartame because of compelling evidence it contributed to brain tumors and other serious disabilities.

In January 1997 Gilead Sciences board member Donald Rumsfeld became its new Chairman. Shortly after his Washington clout paid off and aspartame was quickly approved by FDA Commissioner Arthur Hayes over the objections of the FDA's Public Board of Inquiry. Following the aspartame approval Arthur Hayes joined NutraSweet's public relations firm under a 10-year contract at $1,000 a day.

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld was president of Searle Pharmaceuticals, a company owned by Monsanto. Rumsfeld is believed to have earned around US$12 million from the sale of Searle to Monsanto 1)


The popular treatment for COVID patients and one of the few approved in America is Remdesivir which was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina.

North Carolina News Announcement

April 29, 2020 - Remdesivir, developed through a UNC-Chapel Hill partnership, proves effective against COVID-19 in NIAID human clinical trials

On Wednesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases [NIAID], reported that data from an international clinical trial testing the broad-spectrum antiviral drug remdesivir in around 1,090 patients showed “quite good news” and should result in a new standard of care for COVID-19 patients.

Remdesivir was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health. The biopharmaceutical company sought the talents of a research team led by William R. Kenan, Jr.

Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology Ralph Baric, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years and pioneered rapid-response approaches for the study of emerging viruses and the development of therapeutics.

“This is a game changer for the treatment of patients with COVID-19,” Baric said upon hearing the results of the clinical trial. “Remdesivir provides an effective treatment strategy for the many infected individuals around the globe.”2)

Bribery and Fraud Hepatitis C antiviral Harvoni

Gilead has paid $178 million to doctors to promote drugs despite patient deaths By Dilyana Gaytandzhieva - October 14, 2020

Arms Watch has already revealed that at least 249 patients enrolled in the Gilead $3.3 billion Hepatitis C elimination project in Georgia have died, according to leaked documents. The cause of death of some patients has been reported as “unknown” in Gilead confidential reports. Other patients enrolled in the program have discontinued treatment due to serious adverse events. Some of them have died.

Deaths of patients in treatment with the Gilead hepatitis C antiviral Harvoni have been reported in the US, Canada, and Portugal, according to data obtained from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Despite the severe side effects from these Gilead hepatitis C antivirals the pharmaceutical company has listed none of them so that patients can make their informed decision.

Instead, Gilead has paid kickbacks to doctors to prescribe these drugs without patients being informed about the possible risks.

According to sealed court documents, Gilead has been under investigation for illegally funneling kickbacks to health care providers in the US to boost sales.

Arms Watch has received e-mails from patients who have suffered serious side effects while in treatment with the Gilead hepatitis C antiviral Harvoni. Below are their testimonies. Some of the patients have died. We have the permission of their relatives to publish their stories.

What’s important to note here is how this Big Pharma scandal ties to Ukraine. At around the same time these drug safety concerns were known internally to Gilead through its Georgia operations and elsewhere, Gilead was still attempting to strong-arm the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and Drug Regulation Authority into accepting its expensive patented Hepatitis C drug “Sovaldi” – as opposed to cheaper generic versions. If only the Ukrainians had known what Gilead knew at the time, but kept obscured from public view.

These vignettes demonstrate the deep involvement of the pharmaceutical cartel in this bio lab story – one which warrants much more investigation, as well as the link between Big Pharma lobbying in Washington and the establishment of these US taxpayer-funded biological facilities situated around the globe.3)

===== Lobbying =====4)

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