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CHEK Media frequently posts polls for readers to express their opinions. In regards to COVID-19, they are often leading questions that begin heavily against the “unvaccinated”, before flipping to the defense of that group.

  • January 11, 2022: Should the government should charge people without a medical exemption, who refuse to get vaccinated a financial penalty?1)
    • As of 4:47PM on January 11, 2022, the vote was 63.65% No and 36.35% Yes.

  • March 1, 2022: Should B.C. end COVID-19 restrictions?2)
    • As of 11:27PM on March 1, 2022, the vote was 73.84% Yes and 26.16% No.

CHEK Point Poll. (2022, January 11). CHEK; CHEK Media.
CHEK News - Independent, employee-owned. CHEK. Retrieved March 1, 2022, from
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