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Ashish Jha

Controversy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Promotion of WHO Governance

Dismissal of Early Treatment Paradigm

Despite not having treated a COVID-19 patient, Jha delivered what appeared to be a prepared response to the doctors advocating for early treatment medicines during a 2020 Congressional hearing.

Vaccine Advocacy

  • March, 2022 - Twitter Thread1)

Dr. Ashish Jha should be fired

Steve Kirsch - Substack September 15, 2022

The Biden administration is getting their COVID-19 advice from someone who doesn't believe in science and makes stuff up. Are you surprised?

Let me be very clear. Everyone, including the CDC, now knows what misinformation spreaders such as myself have been saying for a long time: vaccinated people don’t have a lower risk of getting COVID.

There is no evidence for the previous vaccines that you’re going to reduce community spread. If anything, the evidence shows the opposite when you look at it with a critical eye as Mathew Crawford has done, for example. Check out this chart from his article 2)

See the red part? It’s supposed to be black for cases, hospitalization, and death. If he’s wrong, someone should point that out to him on camera, but they all seem to be camera shy. I can’t figure it out. Nobody wants to challenge his analysis.

If you can’t interpret the chart, here’s what he wrote:

  Boosters are a disaster. Not only are disease rates and mortality higher, but these are people subjecting themselves an additional time to adverse events, which seem to have a dose dependent relationship (more LNPs or more mRNA are doing worse damage due to either pathological priming or toxic buildup or prions or…).

But you don’t need to believe me or Mathew on any of that. Here’s why 3)

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