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Aamer Ikram

Major General Dr. Aamer Ikram is a molecular biologist and public health official based in Pakistan.



Pakistan Army Medical College (1994-1998)

Ikram was an instructor at the Pakistan Army Medical College, where he taught microbiology and parasitology to undergraduate students along with practical work.

Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (2006-2010)

Ikram was an Associate Professor, Microbiology Consultant, and Biosafety Officer for the Pakistan Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences (2010-2012)

Ikram was a professor and head of the Pathology Department at the Quetta Institute of Medical Sciences.

International Federation of Biosafety Associations (2017-present)

Ikram is Vice Chair for Pakistan under the International Federation of Biosafety Associations and a member of the board of directors.2)

National Institute of Health Pakistan (2017-present)

Ikram is currently the Executive Director of the National Institute of Health Pakistan.3)

TEPHINET (2021-present)

Ikram was elected as chairperson of the Training Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions Network (TEPHINET) Advisory Board in December 2021.4) TEPHINET is a program of the Task Force for Global Health.

World Health Organization (2022-present)

In June 2022, Ikram was appointed to the World Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (TAG-B).5)


American Biological Safety Association

Ikram is a Registered Biosafety Professional from the American Biological Safety Association.6)

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Ikram is a member of the board of directors for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.7)

Institute of Safety in Technology and Research

Ikram is a certified Biosafety Professional (BSP) from the Institute of Safety in Technology and Research.8)

Pakistan Academy Of Sciences

Ikram is a fellow of the Pakistan Academy Of Sciences.9)

Pakistan Biological Safety Association

Ikram is a founding member and former president of the Pakistan Biological Safety Association.10)

Pakistan Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program

Other affiliations

Education | Aamer Ikram. LinkedIn. Retrieved July 22, 2022, from
Executive Director of NIH, Maj. Gen. Aamer Ikram, chaired core committee meeting regarding COVID-19 at NIH. (2020, March 5). National Institutes of Health Islamabad.
WHO announces proposed members of its Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (TAG-B) members. (2022, June 3). World Health Organization.
Maj. Gen. Dr. Aamer Ikram Named Incoming Chairperson of TEPHINET Advisory Board. (2021, December 30). Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network.
Aamer Ikram. (2022). IEEE Xplore.
Dr. Aamer Ikram. (2022). Pakistan Biological Safety Association.
TEPHINET Secretariat. (2022, January 24). Pakistan FELTP’s Dr. Aamer Ikram Named Incoming Chairperson of TEPHINET Advisory Board. TEPHINET.
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