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Secret Trade Scam

The secret trade scam is a bribery scheme where the participant is tricked into believing they are being given inside information to make profitable market trades.



While this can be done over a stock exchange, it can also be done elsewhere such as cryptocurrencies and prediction markets.

This gives the person offering the scam some degree of plausible deniability.

Low Liquidity assets

Not all tradable assets are the same. Liquidity1) is a measure of how much “room” exists to buy or sell an asset without massively moving the price.

For example, if there are tons of people with large buy & sell offers for an asset without much of a difference, that would mean there is a great deal of liquidity.

In this case, the ideal assets are those that have hardly any buy or sell offers on the books all with very wide margins.


Understanding Liquidity and How to Measure It Investopedia
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