Robert Kadlec
Robert P. Kadlec is an American physician and career officer in the United States Air Force, specializing in biological weapons. A part of the revolving door in the military-industrial complex, ”his decades-long career in shaping U.S. “biodefense” policy was directly enabled by his deep ties to intelligence, Big Pharma, the Pentagon and a host of corrupt yet powerful characters“[1].
As of June 2020, he is Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response), where he directs the US Covid-19 response. He directed the 2019 pandemic exercise Crimson Contagion.
Kadlec holds a Bachelor’s degree from the United States Air Force Academy, Doctorate of Medicine and Master’s of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, and Master’s degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University.
Kadlec spent 26 years as a career officer and physician in the United States Air Force. His interest in biological weapons began when he was assigned to be a special assistant for Chemical and Biological Warfare to the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), advising then-head of Special Operations Command Maj. Gen. Wayne Downing, on the eve of the first Gulf War[2].
He served at the White House from 2002 to 2005 as a Director for Biodefense Preparedness on the Homeland Security Council, where he was responsible for conducting the biodefense end-to-end assessment, which culminated in drafting the National Biodefense Policy for the 21st century.
He has served as the Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and was Senior Director for Biodefense Policy on the Homeland Security Council from 2007 to 2009, and staff director for U.S. Senator Richard Burr's subcommittee on bioterrorism and public health.
In this capacity, he was instrumental in drafting the Pandemic and All-Hazard Preparedness Act that was signed into law.[3]
Kadlec was serving as Deputy Staff Director for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence when he was nominated by President Donald Trump to become Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services (Preparedness and Response).[4] Kadlec was confirmed for this position by the United States Senate on August 3, 2017.[5]
Alarmist Scaremongering
Kadlec is part of a tight-knit group of “bioterror alarmists” in government and the private sector who gained prominence thanks to their eagerness for imagining the most horrific, yet fictitious scenarios that inspired fear among Presidents, top politicians and the American public[6], including Dark Winter and Crimson Contagion. 1)
Head of the Hydra
Whitney Webb and Raul Diego, “Head of the Hydra—The Rise of Robert Kadlec,” The Last American Vagabond - May 14, 2020
A powerful network of political operatives, a global vaccine mafia and their man in Washington.
Last Friday, a group of Democratic Senators “demanded” that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Robert Kadlec, “accurately disclose all his personal, financial and political ties in light of new reporting that he had failed to do so previously” after it was revealed that he had failed to note all “potential conflicts of interest” on his nomination paperwork.
The report in question, published last Monday by The Washington Post, detailed the ties of Kadlec to a man named Fuad El-Hibri, the founder of a “life sciences” company first known as BioPort and now called Emergent Biosolutions. Kadlec had previously disclosed his ties to El-Hibri and Emergent Biosolutions for a separate nomination years prior, but had failed to do so when nominated to head ASPR.
Though The Post does note Kadlec’s recent failure to disclose these connections, the article largely sanitizes Kadlec’s earlier yet crucial history and even obfuscates the full extent of his ties to the BioPort founder, among other glaring omissions. In reality, Kadlec has much more than his ties to El-Hibri looming large as “potential conflict of interests,” as his decades-long career in shaping U.S. “biodefense” policy was directly enabled by his deep ties to intelligence, Big Pharma, the Pentagon and a host of corrupt yet powerful characters.
Thanks to a long and deliberate process to introduce biodefense policy, driven by Robert Kadlec and his sponsors, $7 billion dollars-worth of federally-owned vaccines, antidotes and medicines – held in strategically arranged repositories across the country in case of a health emergency – are now in the hands of one single individual. Those repositories, which compose the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS), are the exclusive domain of HHS’ ASPR, a post created under Kadlec’s watchful eye and tailored over the years to meet his very specific requirements.
From this perch, Robert Kadlec has final say on where the stockpile’s contents are sourced, as well as how, when and where they are deployed. He is the sole source procurer of medical material and pharmaceuticals, making him the best friend of Big Pharma and other healthcare industry giants who have been in his ear every step of the way.
The story of how a former USAF flight surgeon came to have the exclusive dealer license over the single biggest stash of drugs in the history of the world is as disturbing as it is significant in light of current events, particularly given that Kadlec now leads the coronavirus response for all of HHS. Yet, Kadlec’s rise to power is not a case of an evil mastermind conquering a uniquely vulnerable point of the nation’s resources. Instead, it is a case of a man deeply enmeshed in the world of intelligence, military intelligence and corporate corruption dutifully fulfilling the vision of his friends in high places and behind closed doors.
In this third installment of “Engineering Contagion: Amerithrax, Coronavirus and the Rise of the Biotech-Industrial Complex,2)
Role in Pandemic Response
Dr. Robert Kadlec: How the Czar of Biowarfare Funnels Billions to Friends in the Vaccine Industry
August 13, 2020 - Organic Consumers Association by Alexis Baden-Mayer
Kadlec's title is Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (ASPR) for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). In that role, Kadlec oversees a multi-billion-dollar stockpile of medical countermeasures to “defend” the American people against any biological threat, whether military, criminal, natural or accidental.
That’s because, as noted, Kadlec is in charge of a multi-billion-dollar stockpile of medical countermeasures, formerly housed by the CDC, but now under Kadlec’s control.
Kadlec’s role isn’t limited to HHS. Under Trump’s National Biodefense Strategy, Kadlec also leads the day-to-day coordination team of a cabinet-level steering committee overseeing all federal biodefense activities and budgets, from the new National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility (NBAF) in Manhattan, Kansas, to the Pentagon biolaboratories in 25 countries.
Are you a young American scientist interested in “research on mosquito-borne diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and Zika as well as on deadly food-borne pathogens including Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli and potential deliberate contaminants such as Bacillus anthracis? Contact Robert Kadlec about his NBSF project “Research & Development for U.S. Bio/Agrodefense: Protecting Agriculture and Preserving Public Health.”
Kadlec’s entire career has BEEN leading up to this moment when, due to policies he had shaped and laws he had written, he would control billions of dollars in government spending on a stockpile of medical countermeasures for biological weapons—even though he once admitted that “The commercial or public need for vaccines against biological warfare agents short of an act of terror is virtually zero.”
Now, here Kadlec is, in the middle of the worst global pandemic in 100 years, serving as the “Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response.”
What’s Kadlec doing with the billions of dollars Congress has given him to buy the life-saving drugs and protective equipment Americans need to fight COVID-19?
He’s funneling the money to his cronies, friends and business partners best described as arms dealers, who have been profiting from the biological weapons industrial complex for decades.3)
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second article in our ‘Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame’ series profiling key players in gain-of-function research. The biological weapons industrial complex, the bureaucrats who fund it, the corporations that shape it and the existential risk that genetic engineering and synthetic biology pose to us all. This is an ongoing project. Check back frequently as we add new profiles to our Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame. 4)