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Marcie Glicksman

Official Bio 2022

Dr. Marcie Glicksman received her Bachelor’s degree from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and her Ph.D. in neuroscience from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. (WU is known for Monsanto's global HQ & academic partners eg Danforth Center)

Dr. Glicksman has been in the field of drug discovery for 18 years, the most recent five in academics and thirteen years in the pharmaceutical/biotech industry, having worked at Cephalon, DuPont - Merck, Cubist (as director of leads discovery), and the start up company, Descartes Therapeutics.

She is currently the senior director of the leads discovery group at the Laboratory for Drug Discovery in Neurodegeneration, which is part of the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center, and assistant professor in the Neurology Department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Glicksman was elected in 2005 to the board of directors for the Society for Biomolecular Sciences and served as its chairperson for two years. She is on the science advisory board for the Alzheimer’s disease foundation (ADDF/ISOA) and the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), and reviews grants for NIH and the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

She has extensive experience in assay development, high throughput screening, and chemical databases as well as animal pharmacology and preclinical development. 1)

Therapeutic Drug Development Crossing Blood Brain Barrier

The EnClear Team | www.

Head of Biology Marcie Glicksman, PhD For the past 30 years, Dr. Glicksman has been dedicated to developing better therapeutics for the nervous system and other therapeutic areas. Her efforts have resulted in 8 drugs entering the clinic, 2 marketed drugs resulting in over $2B in sales for Cephalon (now Teva Pharmaceuticals) and Cubist (now Merck). 2)

Our strategy is two-fold: 1) Lead with neuro-oncology and help patients with Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis. 2) Leveraging partnerships to expand into neurodegenerative, lysosomal storage & autoimmune diseases.

Therapeutics targeting CNS disorders are ineffective at reaching critical areas of the CNS through traditional means to be efficacious. Difficulty delivering past the Blood Brain Barrier, Blood-CSF, and Blood Arachnoid barriers. Difficulty delivering to localized areas in the CNS Increased dosing required to get to efficacious levels Higher risk of peripheral toxicity and severe side effects With EnClear's CSF Health Platform, therapeutics can be moved from specialized hospitals to local infusion clinics.3)

Orig3n VP of Biology

(Unnamed in Science-org bio) Dr. Marcie Glicksman has been in the drug discovery field for over 20 years, and has extensive experience in assay development, high throughput screening, and chemical databases. Before joining ORIG3N, she was Co-Director of the Laboratory for Drug Discovery in Neurodegeneration (LDDN), part of the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center. She holds a BA from Brown University and a PhD in Neuroscience from Washington University.4)

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