James Baker III Institute for Public Policy
James Baker III Institute for Public Policy was the NeoCon think tank that prepared the Iraq invasion policy documents as reported by Greg Palast. It includes the prewar Iraq privatization plan Grover Norquest proudly admits authoring, It includes patent law, privatization of oil and revenue projections as any corporate takeover would.
Baker Institute for Public Policy, a think-tank set up by James Baker, delivered the secret recommendations to Cheney's White House Energy task force. Advisors were Ken Lay, the disgraced former chief executive of Enron, Luis Giusti, a Shell non-executive director; John Manzoni, regional president of BP and David O'Reilly, chief executive of ChevronTexaco. https://web.archive.org/web/20060711191720/http://www.tikkun.org/magazine/tik0607/palast