Erik Friesen
Career and Affiliations
University of Toronto
Friesen is a MD/PhD Student in Addictions & Mental Health at the University of Toronto and the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.1)
He received funding for his PhD thesis in the form of the Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).2)
Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table
Friesen is a former member of the secretariat of the Mental Health Working Group at the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table, where he worked as a research associate.3)
Erik L. Friesen [profile]. Twitter. Retrieved May 7, 2022, from
Friesen, E. L. (2021, April 14). Declaration of Interest. Wayback Machine; Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table.
About Us. (2021, June 30). Wayback Machine; Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table.