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Aspen Institute

Aspen Institute has several divisions with extension names. Sourcewatch has a full coverage linked with their profile. Main divisions and key influencers are identified below but more detail at their site. Aspen Fellowship Program is a mirror of WEF Young Leaders and slow, steady infiltration with the aim of installing hand selected people to control the levers of power and influence.

CMD Sourcewatch Profile

The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies (AIHS) describes itself as an “international non-profit organization dedicated to informed dialogue and inquiry on issues of global concern.”

Founded in 1950 by Walter Paepeke, chair of the Container Corporation, AIHS seeks to bring together leading citizens from private and public sectors of the U. S. and abroad to consider interrelated issues of the human mind and spirit in contemporary society.

The group believes that immersion in the Humanist tradition can make participants in its program better decision makers. It Institute holds seminars primarily for business executives “for reflection, rediscovery of personal values, and examination of contemporary issues in the company of some of the best minds in the world” and gives cross-cultural training “to go beyond immediate business issues to the underlying questions faced in all cultures.”

The Aspen Institute owns the 1100-acre Wye River Conference Center in Maryland, a park-like retreat that has served as host to a number of historically significant events, including Middle East peace negotiations. It also served as a temporary home to 5-year-old Elián Gonzalez in 2000 during the political controversy in the United States during the custody battle between his Cuban father and his Miami relatives. This in turn made AIHS a target for right-wing conspiracy theorists, who labeled it a “training center for a global army of psycho-social change agents.”[1]

  • Aspen Institute / Middle East Strategy Group
  • Aspen Institute / Nonprofit Sector Strategy Group
  • Global Interdependence Initiative
  • Nonprofit Sector Research Fund

Aspen Strategy Group

AIHS also sponsors the Aspen Strategy Group, a policy program concentrating on strategic relations and arms control issues. The Aspen Strategy Group is currently co-chaired by Joseph Samuel Nye, Jr. and Brent Scowcroft.

Aspen Strategy Group Members

Note - Any unfamiliar with names below it's a virtual Who's Who of NeoCons & Deep State notables.

Henry Crown Fellowship Program

The Henry Crown Fellowship Program was established in 1997. It “seeks to develop our next generation of community-spirited leaders, providing them with the tools necessary to meet the challenges of corporate and civic leadership in the 21st century … A unique mix of intellectual and personal development seminars designed to broaden the perspectives of the participants and hone their skills in values-based leadership. It honors the memory of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown (1896-1990), whose legendary career was marked by a lifelong commitment to honor, integrity, industry and philanthropy.”

The two-year program commences each year with a class of 20 Crown Fellows “chosen from among young executives and professionals nominated for their potential to provide leadership at the highest levels of corporate and civic responsibility. The selected candidates are men and women between the ages of 25 and 45 who have already achieved considerable success in the private or public sector.”

Aspen Health Stewardship Project

In Fall 2007, Aspen announced its “Health Stewardship Project,” to “reframe and broaden the national dialogue on health care reform leading up to the 2008 presidential election and beyond.” [1]

In January 2008, Aspen announced that former New Jersey governor turned PR executive Christine Todd Whitman; U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Julie Gerberding, and GE Healthcare president and CEO Joseph Hogan would co-chair the health project. “They join Mark Ganz, president and CEO of Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, in leading the new project to help transform health care,” stated an Aspen press release. [1]

Health Stewardship Project advisory board

From an Aspen Institute press release

Board of Trustees

Nine New Members, April 2003

Honorary Trustees: See web site for list. Trustees Emeritus: See web site for list. Contact information

The Aspen Institute One Dupont Circle, NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036-1133 Phone: 202.736.5800 Fax: 202.467.0790 URL: 2012 Wayback capture2)

Aspen Institute Cybersecurity

Garrett Graff, the executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity & Technology Program, is an award-winning journalist who has spent nearly a decade covering national security. He has an extensive background in journalism and technology, including working as Governor Howard Dean’s first webmaster, helping to launch an internet strategy consulting firm, and, in 2005, becoming the first blogger admitted to cover a White House press briefing. More recently, as a journalist, he’s been editor of both Washingtonian and POLITICO Magazine—where he helped lead the magazine to its first National Magazine Award—and writes regularly for publications like WIRED and Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

He has authored multiple books on both technology and national security, including, most recently, Raven Rock, about the government’s Cold War Doomsday plans, which was published in May 2017, as well as a 2011 history of the FBI, The Threat Matrix.3)

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