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Vaccines Revealed 2023 is a 9-part documentary series created by Patrick Gentempo Jr., D.C., CEO of Revealed Films, Inc His company also produced a documentary based on “The Real Anthony Fauci”, the book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Each episode is 2-3 hours or more of excerpts of interviews, mostly conducted by the late Dr. Toni Bark or Dr. Gentempo, with a large number of scientists, physicians, activists and parents of vaccine-injured children.

The set of videos has been free to view for a limited time, and also is available for purchase.

Below is a limited summary of each episode. Please note that some interviewees appear in multiple episodes, their portions are followed by a roman numeral to indicate this.

Episode 1:

A. Dr. Toni Bark interviews the mother of a vaccine-injured child

B. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Part I

C. Andrew Wakefield MD, Part I

Bonus Video: David Martin PhD, Part I

Episode 2:

A. Mother of a vaccine-injured child

B. Peter McCullough MD, Part I

C. Robert Malone MD, PHD, Part I

Bonus video: David Martin PhD, Part II

Episode 3:

A. Dr. Toni Bark on HPV vaccines

B. Andrew Wakefield MD Part II

C. Del Bigtree

Bonus video: Dr. Zach Bush

Episode 4:

A. Dr. Gary Goldman, Part I

B. Robert Malone, Part II

C. Brian Hooker PHD, Part I

D. Sherri Tenpenny MD

bonus video: Stephanie Seneff PhD

episode 5:

A. James Chestnut MD

B. Peter McCullough MD Part II

c. Andrew Kaufman MD

D. Gary Goldman Part II

bonus video: Robert F. Kennedy Jr Part II

Episode 6:

A. Andrew Wakefield Md, Part III

B. Mother of a vaccine-injured child

C. James Lyons-Weiler PhD, Part I

Bonus video: Barbara Loe Fisher, Part I (mother of a vaccine-injured child, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center)

Episode 7:

A. Diane Harper (lead investigator for HPV Vaccine Clinical Trials)

B. James Lyons-Weiler PhD Part II

C. Sayer Ji (founder of GreenMedInfo)

Bonus video: Barbara Loe Fisher, Part II

Episode 8:

A. Suzanne Humphries MD

B. Christiane Northrup MD

C. Brian Hooker PhD Part II

bonus video: Mary Holland JD

Episode 9:

A. Kelly Brogan MD (Psychiatrist)

B. Peter McCullough MD Part III

C. Robert Malone MD Part III

D. Joseph Mercola

bonus video: Richard Fleming MD, PhD, JD

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