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The PREP Act

Introduced in US House of Representatives 3/11/2020 Pandemic Response and Emergency Preparedness Act of 2020 or the PREP Act of 2020 1)

2021 November 3 - 42 USC 247d-6d - Targeted liability protections for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures Text contains those laws in effect on November 23, 2021

  • §247d–6d. Targeted liability protections for pandemic and epidemic products and security countermeasures
  • (a) Liability protections
  • (1) In general
  • Subject to the other provisions of this section, a covered person shall be immune from suit and liability under Federal and State law with respect to all claims for loss caused by, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the administration to or the use by an individual of a covered countermeasure if a declaration under subsection (b) has been issued with respect to such countermeasure. 2)

Comparison of Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program CICP to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program VICP 3)

Vaccine Injury Accounting

The official causes of death listed in the ICD include nearly every imaginable—and tragic—possibility. In fact, previous versions of the ICD listed “prophylactic inoculation and vaccination” as a separate cause-of-death category, with subcategories for deaths caused by specific vaccines.

However, when the ICD was revised in 1979—and in subsequent updates to the ICD—all cause-of-death classifications associated with vaccination were eliminated. Since then, medical certifiers have been unable to list vaccination as an official cause of death because the ICD no longer contains a code for that possibility.

This is odd because health authorities are aware that some children will become permanently disabled or die after receiving vaccines—the very reason Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-660), which created the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System VAERS and established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

Many parents don't realize that when they purchase vaccines, the cost is taxed and the money (75 cents per vaccine) goes into a trust fund managed by the Department of the Treasury to compensate them if and when those vaccines seriously injure or kill their babies.

As of May 1, 2021, more than $4.5 billion was granted for thousands of injuries and deaths associated with vaccines. Numerous cases are still pending. Awards were issued for permanent injuries such as learning disabilities, seizure disorders, mental retardation, paralysis, and numerous deaths, including many that were initially misclassified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Since vaccine-related deaths are officially recognized by the federal government through the VICP but there are no official classifications for vaccine-related deaths in the ICD, an important question must be asked; What options are available to medical examiners for recording vaccine-related deaths? 4)

Marburg? Added/Ammended November 2020

Interesting inclusions (iv) a “respiratory protective device” that is approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).,another%20person%20through%20willful%20misconduct.

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