The Vaccine Wars
These are not necessarily the articles at Rounding the Earth originally titles as “The Vaccine Wars”, but are the articles that relate to the vaccines.
Risk-Benefit Analysis
- After a basic risk correction, UK data shows no real difference in all-cause mortality between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Vaccine Risks
- Side effects/Adverse events
- Disinfectants
- Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
- Dependence
- Lack of Impact/Efficacy
- Nanoparticle Toxicity
- Societal (in)stability
- Enhancement and (immune) escape
- Biological surveillance and manipulation
- The unknown unknowns
- Pfizer data released fro. Aaron Siri's FOIA request.
- High proportion of AEs were SAEs.
- Data seems to imply a high mortality rate per dose (~430/million doses).
- Report performs no calculations to state a favorable risk-benefit.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mortality Data
- Case Fatality Rate analysis across Europe shows a substantial increase in COVID-19 mortality associated with vaccine rollout.
- Analysis of nations with little COVID-19 mortality in 2020 shows sharp increases after vaccine rollout.
- All-Cause Mortality Up 40% for 18-64 Year Olds in Indiana
- The Chief Endpoint of COVID-like Illness (CLI) is Confusion
- Justifying Financial Suffocation?
Disease Enhancement and Mutation
Note: I am much more skeptical of this hypothesis as of 2023/2024. In particular, the story of increasing pathenogicity of so-called escape variants can serve to provide cover for vaccine harms.
- A Computer Model
- The “Two Highly-Effective mRNA Vaccines” Paper
- The Mutation Frequency Paper
- Human Media for Serial Passage (hypothesized)
Defining Away Vaccine Safety Signals
The DMED Saga Stories can be found here.
- The CDC's safety signal analysis uses inappropriate tools (proportional reporting analysis or PRR) only, without respect to magnitudes of events at all.
- Historically, pharmacovigilance uses may tools aside from PRR.
- Discussed critiques
- Showed example of high harms not triggering safety signals used by CDC.
- Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) uses the same flawed PRR metrics.
- PRR is known in the literature to “mask” safety signals in sitautions in which two therapeutics have similar adverse event profiles.
- More at The DMED Saga
- VAERS seems to be designed to fail.
- Does not publicly show updates of patients, so deaths may be vastly undercounted.
- Mortality reports are far above all prior vaccines, even assuming a minimum.
- There is active suppression of reporting.
- Many administrative errors are listed, showing procedural harm, yet authorities seem entirely uninterested.
Vaccine Efficacy/Effectiveness
Health User Bias and Vaccine Status Miscategorization Indicates Zero Effectiveness
This will be rolled up into a single article. For now…
- Part 6: Questioning the Answers
- Part 7: Nothing But Healthy User Bias
Systemic Vaccine Efficacy
Since the individual is not the system, the true efficacy of a vaccine as should be measured in a risk-benefit analysis can only be determined by examining the effects on the system.
- COVID-19 cases and deaths are up post-vaccination on every continent.
- Of the few nations doing better, most have had relatively small numbers of cases throughout the entire pandemic.
- Positive worldwide correlations among all nations in the Our World in Data set.
- Turns the cherry-picking critique on its head.
- Trend in global correlations between vaccine status and COVID cases/deaths.
- Discussion about the fact that the trials do not have good enough data to distinguish between the hypotheses of efficacy and inefficacy, nor does the retrospective data. But all data supports the inefficacy hypothesis.
- (Interview) Jan 24, 2023 - Mathew presents about the Healthy User Bias at Pandata: The Efficacy Illusion: Healthy User Bias
Local Vaccine Efficacy
- A Lesson in Reading Statistical Images
Propaganda and Censorship
- The Censorship of Jessica Rose, PhD and Dr. Peter McCullough
Criminalization of Dissent
Countering Propaganda
- Steve Kirsch vs. John Su