Rounding The Earth: The Chloroquine Wars
The following articles appear as part of Rounding the Earth's The Chloroquine Wars series. However, some articles originally in that series now best fit in other series indexes, so appear elsewhere in the wikified RTE hierarchy.
Early Treatment Medications
The Chloroquines
- Drugs of the Cinchona Tree A history of medicines derived from the Cinchona tree, originally of South America, such as quinine, chloroquine (CQ), hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), and others. This includes historical evidence of antiviral properties.
- Hydroxychloroquine's Safety Profile and a Cost-Benefit Analysis Since hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is extremely inexpensive, and relatively safe with almost no serious adverse reactions under physician observation, HCQ has a positive risk-benefit if any one protocol has a modestly positive effect in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
- A Closer Look at RCTs Studying Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy Reviews the randomized control trials (RCTs) studying HCQ efficacy in treating COVID-19 patients, showing tremendously positive results.
- The Simple Logic of the Hydroxychloroquine Hypothesis explains why evidence against the efficacy of a suboptimal protocol is not evidence against the efficacy of a drug or other medical agent.
- The primary question: Is hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) effective in fighting SARS-CoV-2 and the associated COVID-19 condition?
- The Hydroxychloroquine Hypothesis: That there is some appropriate dosage of hydroxychloroquine, alone or in some combination with other medication, that successfully prevents some COVID-19 cases (PrEP/PEP) or treats some COVID-19 sufferers (Early/Late/Critical).
- Why Did Dr. Anthony Fauci Leave Hydroxychloroquine Off the Early Pandemic Research Priority List? Details how numerous research papers declared chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine the most likely drugs to help handle a coronavirus outbreak. Dr. Anthony Fauci and his coauthors were entirely alone among coronavirus and infectious disease experts in not looking first to these medications.
Doctors Using Hydroxychloroquine
Ivermectin, Too
- How to Rig Research by Statistically Stacking the Deck (A Simpson's Paradox Tale) How evidence of efficacy, such as that of hydroxychloroquine's efficacy, gets covered up through the mixing of pools of patients treated under different protocols.
- Manufactured Fear During Hydroxychloroquine's Trump Moment Evidence of artificially engineered propaganda timed with Trump's March 19, 2020 press conference mentioning hydroxychloroquine.
- A Clockwork Orange Man The arrangement of Trump and Fauci as players in a large scale Asch conformity experiment.
- Why the Story About India's April COVID-19 Spike is All Wrong India's “spike” says more about the efficacy of early treatment than it is a panic story.
Medical Trials and Statistics
RCT Fundamentalism
- A Critique of RCTs: The Gold Standard is Neither Supreme nor Ultimate explains why randomized control trials (RCTs) should not be viewed as the ultimate standard of medical evidence.
- A Critique of RCTs: Historical Failure to Strike Gold reviews literature demonstrating that RCTs tend to show the same results as observational evidence of medical effects.
- A Closer Look at RCTs Studying Hydroxychloroquine Efficacy Reviews the randomized control trials (RCTs) studying HCQ efficacy in treating COVID-19 patients, showing tremendously positive results.
How to Rig Research
- How to Rig Research by Statistically Stacking the Deck (A Simpson's Paradox Tale) How evidence of efficacy, such as that of hydroxychloroquine's efficacy, gets covered up through the mixing of pools of patients treated under different protocols.
- How to Rig Research: Surgisphere, Part 1 The story of prominent story of research fraud that was used to manipulate national and international public health policy and perception.
Historical Failures of Public Health
- A Discussion of the Insanity of the Chloroquine Wars (Now censored from YouTube)
- See No Good, Hear No Good, Speak No Good Authorities are clearly overlooking simple solutions in favor of authoritarian ones.
See also The Plandemonium