Empire: The Military Occult Banking Syndicate

During the first three years of writing at RTE, I found myself reading and researching deeper and deeper into the web of connections surrounding Theosophy and related occult groups. The connections to major events in world history, global organizations, military intelligence, and mafia are so vast that the effort now subsumes the larger project of Rounding the Earth. I will try to organize a guide to my writings and research here.

There is an RTE Index and Glossary of Terms and Ideas.

Agents of Empire

Theosophy and Neo-Theosophical Organizations

  • There is a large and expanding graph of the Theosophical Society here.

Scientology as Neo-Theosophy

Theosophical Occultism and Parapsychology

Banking, Finance, and Ecnonomics

Military of the MOBS

Military Psyops

New World and Old World MOBS

Psychology of the MOBS

Social Engineering

Election Engineering


Theosophy and Major World Events

Theosophy at the United Nations

Theosophy in Asia

Theosophy in Russia

Theosophy, Neo-Theosophy, and Plandemonium

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