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La Quinta Columna

La Quinta Columna is a Spanish group that actively advocates for the theory that COVID-19 is primarily, or entirely, a phenomenon of graphene oxide toxicity. They have also published videos and materials discussing nanotechnology and the interaction of graphene with Bluetooth and 5G telecommunications technologies.1) The name translates to “The Fifth Column”.

The group first came to prominence in the alternative media during the viral phenomenon of apparently magnetized arms following injection with a COVID-19 vaccine product.2)


La Quinta Columna's primary member, Dr. Ricardo Delgado, has appeared on the Stew Peters Show.3)

Home. La Quinta Columna. Retrieved April 15, 2022, from
La Quinta Columna: 5G technology, graphene oxide and neuro-rights. (2021, June 23). Orwell City.
The Stew Peters Show. (2022, January 14). EXCLUSIVE: La Quinta Columna 1-On-1: Spanish researcher first to reveal graphene oxide. Red Voice Media.
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