COVID-19 Vaccine Impact on Fertility

Current Research on the Impact of Vaccination during Pregnancy

Current CDC Guidance: COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or might become pregnant in the future. This recommendation was likely based on a flawed report by Shimabukuro (Shimabukuro TT, Kim SY, Myers TR, et al. 2021. Preliminary findings of mRNA Covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. New England Journal of Medicine 384(24): 2273–82.1)

Apr 21, 2021 (NEJM) 14% pregnancy terminations after vaccination. No mention of background rate for comparison? Further reading: relative risk not all that different [so far].

CDC additionally claims that “early data from three safety monitoring systems did not find any safety concerns for pregnant people who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine late in pregnancy or for their babies.” This is directly contradicted by the reports that currently exist with VAERS and given the estimated URF for VAERS, suggests another case of CDC “see no evil”.

Evidence to the contrary of CDC Claims:

The Shimabukuro claim was recently rebutted via a peer-reviewed blind review process in the November 2021 edition of Science, Public Health Policy and the Law: Volume 4:130–143 (Clinical and Translational Research) - Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy which states;

“Our re-analysis indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion 7 to 8 times higher than the original authors’ results (p < 0.001) and the typical average for pregnancy loss during this time period.2)

The Vaccine Manufacturers own inserts make no claims regarding safety during pregnancy:

Aug 23, 2021 (BioNTech/Pfizer) Comirnaty package insert
“Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy.”

Reports started to emerge towards the end of 2021 of increased numbers of still-births in British Columbia, the US and in Scotland.3)4)

In early January, 2022, Dr. Sam Bailey released a well-cited video, demonstrating that work has been going on to develop a anti-fertility vaccine for decades. She further shows that the Gates and the Rockefellers have been openly discussing this (and funding it) for a long time.

As you watch the 16-minute presentation, it might be worth gazing upon the following images;

January 6, 2022: “COVID-19 vaccination associated with a small, temporary increase in menstrual cycle length, suggests NIH-funded study”5)

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