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COVID-19 Pandemic Politics: Establishing Global Authoritarian Governance

Many observers from a variety of fields point to reasons to believe that the COVID-19 pandemic was either set in motion, or a mountain made out of a molehill, for the purpose of establishing authoritarian global governance, or at least in many regions that previously enjoyed the greatest amount of liberty.


Monetary and Financial Consolidation

Cancel Culture

While it always appeared to some that cancel culture was about ingroup signaling to force a choice between the power of honest in achieving the best culture and power as an end in itself, the stakes grew quickly during the pandemic.

Denial of Medicine and Prescriptions

Pharmacies Denying Prescriptions

During the pandemic, many pharmacies have refused to fill prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. Such an act seems illegal under statutes of either practicing corporate medicine or practicing medicine without a license.

  • Dr. Brian Tyson retained an attorney who sent a letter to the CVS pharmacy chain who was refusing to fulfill prescriptions for ivermectin. They resume filling prescriptions.1)
    • Copy of the letter.2)
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